Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Madonna says Obama issues in a New Era

At her concert last night in San Diego, Madonna was jubilant that Barack Obama will be the next president of the United States. She said it is the beginning of a New Era, and asked us all to put our arms around each other and chant, "We are one.".

I couldn't drink the kool-aid.

I was glad Obama was elected but sad that when I kept checking the Internet on my cell phone, the Vote on Prop 8 was leaning towards yes. It looks like by a simple majority California will oppress a minority by taking away the right of same-sex couples to marry. Considering her gay following I was surprised that Madonna didn't acknowledge this possible mixed victory.

Sorry Madonna, we can't congratulate ourselves on a New Era yet. We've just projected all our best hopes and dreams on Barack Obama. He's just a man, he's not a savior, like Jesus Christ style. A new day will dawn soon, I'm rolling up my sleeves and getting back to work.

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