Friday, February 26, 2010

Zero Tolerance for Intolerance

Take time out today to demand that Chancellor Fox of UCSD take immediate action against the students who participated at the "Compton Cook".

At a minimum, the offenders should apologize in a public forum. If they choose not to, these students should not be invited back to attend the next semester of study at UCSD.

This is not an issue of first amendment rights, it is a matter of conduct. A state university should not be exempt from enforcing basic standards of conduct, especially those meant to ensure a safe learning environment for all students.

Incidents like this at UCSD, embolden hostility against women, people of color and differing sexual orientation and cannot be tolerated. ZERO TOLERANCE. Such displays reflect on our entire community and undermine efforts to make San Diego a welcoming place for all to learn, live, work and play.

It is up to us to take steps that restore the pride our community feels in UCSD. We want a local institution that projects leadership and academic excellence throughout the world.

1 comment:

Montana said...

Instead of an apology there has been steady escalation and now the noose. So, what exactly will the excuses be for this cowardly act that brings up memories of the confederate KKK of the South in their attempts to keep slavery and the non-whites in fear? Is it that are uneducated, is it that their parents planted these seeds of hate, is it that they are live in fear because our President in the white house is not 100% white. This is what the republican party of “birthers, baggers and blowhards” have brought you. These kids follow what their dullard leaders say, they are young and dumb. Are you surprise at what they do when you know what they think? Of course it could be an off-campus dullard who listens to Beck, Hedgecock, Hannity, O’Reilly, Rush and Savage and the rest of the Blowhards.