Monday, February 22, 2010

Has consumption changed or shifted? -

I saw that the CEO of Heinz Co. (Ketchup) recently told attendees of a food conference that consumers have a new money-saving mind-set. "This is not a temporary phenomenon, but rather a new behavior," he said. This new behavior includes a dramatic increase in couponing and preparing more meals at home. Johnson further stated that coupons are once again an "indispensable marketing tool."

Hmmm this is interesting "A dramatic increase in couponing" (new verb?). It's interesting because it comes at the very same time that I've noticed a dramatic increase in iPhones and Droid phones that I see people with.

If consumption has changed then employed people are saving money for things like health care, education, retirement or most likely a cushion in case of job loss. If consumption has shifted then more people are like the Walmart ad where they ask you "What are you saving for?". The camera shows a woman looking adoringly at her daughter from the stands as she begins to play ice-hockey. And then that just makes me wonder if they've saved enough for good health and dental insurance.

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