Wednesday, January 28, 2009

My pal Pauli

Did you ever notice that it’s often in retrospect that you understand why you did something?

In September my partner and I adopted a dog. I found him on at The Baja Animal Sanctuary. Originally, I wanted Rocco, but he was already adopted by the time we were ready. Instead they introduced us to another dog with an equally bad-ass mobster type name - Pauli. You know, like Paulie Walnuts from The Sopranos. He’s 10 lbs and probably a Dachsund, Yorkie mix. I don’t want to ruin his tough guy image so I don’t call him a “Dorkie” which would be his hybrid name.

Ah… Pauli. He leapt into my arms when we met. It was love at first sight. And all I could say was, “Yes of course we’ll take him!”

Why that day? Why that moment? Now I know. I didn’t know then. It’s a chaotic world right now, where “change” is the call to action but not as easy as advertised. I just wanted comfort and unconditional love from a small little being. He’s our little clown, a peanut, a little woofer, Mr. Walnuts, Señor Swanky and he calms so many worries that we couldn’t do anything about anyway.

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