Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Celebrate 9 to 5

On April 7, 2009 9 to 5 The Musical will open on Broadway. Starring Allison Janney, Music and Lyrics by Dolly Parton.

The story 9 to 5 is still relevant today even though the movie came out nearly 30 years ago. If you are a young woman joining the work force now you'll still run into men like Franklin Hart who are sexist, egotistical, lying, hypocritical bigots. And if you are already a woman in the workforce you've probably already met ten Franklin Harts.

President Obama said in his inaugural speech, "some celebrated but more often men and women obscure in their labor, who have carried us up the long, rugged path towards prosperity and freedom."

What's great about 9 to 5 is that it celebrates those obscure women in the workforce who care about not only themselves but others with whom they work. Their efforts definitely lead us toward prosperity and freedom. I'd love to see more movies celebrate this type of woman.

Monday, February 02, 2009

Jesserella - a parable

Jesse just turned sixteen and goes to my niece's school. On her birthday she wore a t-shirt with Jesserella printed across the front of it, and very confidently (as a princess would) asked the kids in the lunch room, “Can I get in front of you? Today is my 16th birthday!” However, she was denied because the kids find her obnoxious.

Unlike a very similar story, Cinderella; Jesserella got to go to the ball on the first shot. She and her parents planned the Jesserella Ball together and invited one-hundred classmates. But because her obnoxiousness was known throughout the land - only eighteen of her classmates came to the ball.

Oh my skin crawled when I heard this tale. Thoughts of awkward teenage movies raced through my head: Muriel's Wedding, Mean Girls and of course Carrie. But what I thought of most was part of Tina Fey's 2008 Emmy acceptance speech. She thanked her parents for, “raising me to have confidence that is disproportionate with my looks and abilities.”

I don't know where Jesserella is today but I have a feeling she's still wearing her t-shirt and trying to get to the head of the line.